A Vision for Every New Haven Child, by Janna Wagner

Over the years, I’ve started many workshops for parents and child care providers with a simple brainstorm activity.  I ask, “What are your dreams for your children, or for the children in your child care?” I’ve completed this activity more than twenty times. Every time, the answers are the same: independence, love, safety, relationships. This…

I ♥ New Haven When It’s Warm…A Few of My Favorite Things.

Graduation marks the beginning of my favorite time of year in New Haven.  When the Register starts writing about who’s delivering what commencement speech where, I start doing my happy dance. Because during the months of May to August, the city becomes a different place – and here are some of the reasons why.   Yalies leave…

To Me, on My Graduation Day, By Bruce Ditman

To me, on My Graduation Day. It is graduation season and, consequently, inspirational commencement speeches will soon flood our social streams and email boxes.  Always one to spot a trend and also, as per my habit, one to write speeches to imaginary audiences celebrating fictional events, I have decided to write a graduation speech of my own…

Feminist Mother’s Day Wishes by Kica Matos

It was one hundred years ago that President Woodrow Wilson signed a resolution naming the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. While Mother’s Day has taken on commercial overtones, its roots were decidedly feminist. The woman credited with its creation, Anna Jarvis, advocated for years for its establishment. She did so in honor of her…

What’s up with the guy in the Yale cap? By Kica Matos

Given the recent racist incidents involving Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy, more and more articles and old footage about race and racism seem to be cropping up on the internet and social media. I came across this John Quiñones “What would you do” piece on Upworthy over the weekend. Watching this video is horrifying and…

Ding Dong! KENO IS DEAD. AMEN. By Kica Matos

It looks like Democrats in the state legislature finally came to their senses on May 1 and pulled the plug on Keno, a highly addictive form of gambling that was set to make an appearance in our restaurants, bars and other highly public places.  According to Christine Stuart of the CTNewsJunkie.com: No one claimed credit…