
Our publisherThis blog is a labor of love, which is why it is launching on Valentine’s Day.

The purpose of New Haven Speaks is to create a virtual community of people care who about our city, who come from all walks of life, live in different neighborhoods and who have interesting views and/or perspectives to share. It is a place for those eager to start a broad community dialogue to come to and begin to create new relationships that go beyond neighborhood, class, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

Why am I doing this? Because this city is unique, and there is currently no forum for progressive folks to have a platform in which to share ideas, talk about things that are happening in the community, generate ideas about best practices and share new concepts that we could put forth and possibly advance.

To be clear: this blog will not be a virtual piñata or a haven for trolls. You know where to go if that is your interest. I will review comments before they go up and will work to make sure that whatever goes up contributes to the dialogue.

If you are interested in submitting an article, video, photo, Instagram, let me know. Just send an email with the attachment.

Ultimately, what I am hoping this blog will do is bring good folks together in a virtual way that translates into tangible expressions of positive community engagement. In other words, we will speak  — and our words will move us to act.


10 thoughts on “About

  1. Your RSS was added to Nhv.Org’s RSS List. Anything posted by your new site will be broadcast to the @NHVOrg audience automatically. Should you start a @NewHavenSpeaks or @NhvSpeaks twitter? Absolutely. Keep up the good work.


We would love to hear your thoughts. We review all comments before posting.